I’m excited to announce my latest longboard video project - Retrograde. It came about pretty randomly during my latest road trip through California. I remember seeing some dope video from this guy named Zach Anaya and saw that he was living in Southern California. I shot him a DM and he pitched the idea of doing a mini-documentary to showcase my talent and perspective on perseverance. Let me know what you think and if there’s anything in particular that resonated with you!


I’ve always had an unrelinquishable urge to go somewhere. A pursuit of always moving forward to discover who I am, what I love, and what I stand for - All while pushing my boundaries in longboarding, photography, and my other passions.

RETROGRADE, the title, simply means “directed or moving backwards”.

This documentary focuses on my introspection during long solo drives and my use of longboarding to clear my mind and give me a North Star to always work towards. I’m consistently taking a step back to bring in the realization of where I’m at and where I want to continue going.

I’ve found that looking back is a crucial part of my process in going forward. Changing your mind shouldn’t be seen as a weakness. The ability to reconsider your perspective with new data in an ever evolving world is a strength.

Toeside slide during shooting in San Clemente, CA. Photo: Zach Anaya

Toeside slide during shooting in San Clemente, CA. Photo: Zach Anaya

Brandon DesJarlais

Brandon is the Founder and Executive Director at Beyond the Board. He’s been skating professionally since 2016 and loving every minute of it.

Which Is Right for You? The Pros and Cons of Electric Skateboards and Bikes


Featured on the Jelly Filled Podcast