Featured on the Jelly Filled Podcast

I recently met up with Isaac Moreno of the Jelly Filled podcast. We spoke about my journey of becoming a professional longboarder including my experience as Vin Diesel’s stunt double in “xXx 3: Return of Xander Cage”, my work as brand manager for Moonshine MFG, and the mindset that helped me persevere through the highs and lows of my career.

If you’re interested in checking out the full podcast, click the button below:

Over the years I’ve learned that hard work and positive intent play a huge role in serendipity. Some of the most impactful experiences and relationships in my life have come from living by this mantra.

Our lives aren’t linear. They’re full of unexpected chutes and ladders constantly building us up and tearing us down. Statistically speaking, there’s infinite ways to get from point A to point B (in space AND time). We often focus too much of our energy on the destination and building a concrete path to it that we blind ourselves from seeing all the potential “ladders” in our peripherals.

Anyways, what I’ve come to realize is that the real destination is not a singular point, but the journey itself. Be nice to others, assume positive intent, and know that whatever happens there’s an abundance of hidden opportunities waiting to be discovered - all you have to do is look for them.

Brandon DesJarlais

Brandon is the Founder and Executive Director at Beyond the Board. He’s been skating professionally since 2016 and loving every minute of it.




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