Ultimate Longboard Crew List: How to Find Passionate Local Longboarders
Finding a group of longboarders and events near you can be tricky, but don’t worry! Below you’ll find a a list of international crews so you can continue to build your longboard community locally, or make some new skate friends around the world.
10 Inspiring Longboarders to Follow on Instagram in 2020
The longboard community is full of fun and inspiring people from all around the world who push themselves and have a great time while doing it. I wanted to take time to reflect on some of the people that I currently look up to in the scene and why I respect them.
How to Longboard - 6 FAQs to Start Longboarding Today
Learn how to longboard today! In this guide I go over some of the most frequently asked questions from people wanting to get into longboarding. It includes links to all the videos and resources you'll need to buy your first longboard and start having fun on the streets.