Inboard: "My City, My Flow - Portland"

Inboard Technology, an electric longboard company, just released a new video of me for their series entitled, “My City, My Flow”. I’ve always been a fan of this series and was honored when they reached out a few short weeks ago.

With only the next couple days showing dry weather on the forecast, I immediately called up Wiley Watson of Red Tide Pictures. Wiley has produced some videos for Moonshine MFG in the past and I knew his edgy but natural style would compliment the feel of Portland so well. Fortunately, he was in town for those exact days before leaving to Mexico all winter and we made it happen!

Below is my narrative from the video:

Growing up in Oregon, I’ve been blessed with some of the most wholesome and grounding sights in the world. There’s always something new to discover. From a young age, my dad would often take my siblings and I out to explore the lush green wilderness and everything the Pacific North-West has to offer. These unique experiences have shaped my passion for downhill skateboarding.

The past few years I’ve been traveling abroad, competing on the world stage, and spontaneously taking every opportunity that’s come my way. Sometimes it worked out. Sometimes it didn’t. But, what matters most are the lessons I’ve learned and relationships I’ve built. 

I’ve finally returned home to finish my studies as a business major at Portland State University. My new student life is more structured and demanding; and moving to a big city has posed some recent challenges, but what keeps me stoked is the never-ending pursuit of speed and exploration.

The freedom while using Inboard enables me to truly experience the essence of Portland. I can cut through traffic and enjoy my time cruising through the charming city streets rather than being stalled out in gridlock. I’m able to surf the urban terrain both down AND up hills. Nothing beats the feeling of flying through the city atmosphere with 4 wheels under my feet.

I’m excited be home, hitting the slopes in my new backyard and taking advantage of Portland’s unique environment.

This is my city and this is my flow.

Brandon DesJarlais

Brandon is the Founder and Executive Director at Beyond the Board. He’s been skating professionally since 2016 and loving every minute of it.

I'm giving away 100+ sets of wheels!


Interviewed by Inboard Technology